Capital District Air Command

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"We've heard from the front lines that you like to shoot your mouth off on the radio."
― Capital District Air Command to Alvin H. Davenport[1]

Capital District Air Command[a] is an Osean Air Defense Force command assigned with defending Osea's capital district, which includes the capital city Oured, the civilian Apito International Airport,[2] and the college town of Bana City.[1] The command also maintains the Capital District Air Defense Squadron[b] that can be deployed in emergency situations to defend the capital district.

The only known deployment of Capital District Air Command was during the Circum-Pacific War against Yuktobanian commandos performing two simultaneous terrorist attacks in the capital district. Since the attacks—at Apito and Bana—were hundreds of miles apart, the Capital District Air Defense Squadron could only respond to one of them.[2] Wardog Squadron was being court-martialed in Oured at the time,[3] so the unit was temporarily transferred to Capital District Air Command's authority to respond to the second attack.[1][2]


  1. Capital District Air Command (管区空軍司令部)[1]
  2. Capital District Air Defense Squadron (首都管区の防空飛行隊)[2]
