Flight of OLI1

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"Founding a country? Progress? They're nothing but a bunch of dogs caught up in futile illusions!"
― Andre Olivieri

The Flight of OLI1 was the successful evacuation of Olivieri Life Insurance CEO and founder of the IUPF, Andre Olivieri, through Valahia-controlled territory by Martinez Security. After personally requesting the "IUPF's best" fly his private Boeing 747-400 for this special mission, Antares One was assigned the task of safely flying his jet through enemy airspace under the one-off callsign 'OLI1'.


After an initially uneventful flight, OLI1 was suddenly attacked by Valahia SAMs, forcing Antares One to fly through a narrow, winding gorge to avoid them. Despite coming under fierce and sustained attack from dozens of enemy attack helicopters, gunboats and AA guns within the valley, OLI1 successfully navigated a safe passage through the gorge until out of the reach of the Valahia forces.

Having seemingly escaped the enemy trap, Olivieri openly mocked the Valahia and its purported motives over his radio. Furiously rebuked by eavesdropping Valahia commander Nicolae Dumitrescu, OLI1 flew straight into yet another large enemy ambush. With no other option, OLI1 was forced to make a desperate dash through the enemy forces to safety; successfully evading the Valahia a second time, and escaping the combat zone with Olivieri unharmed.


Despite the determined pursuit by the Valahia, OLI1 successfully flew a grateful Olivieri to safety. Frederick Burford, however, was slightly suspicious of the nature of the attack for a civilian target, and with Olivieri's exchange with Dumitrescu. However, these concerns were overshadowed by the discovery that the Valahia were transporting a consignment of nuclear fuel to their missile silos.