Fort Grays (ship)

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For other uses of the term, see Fort Grays.

The Fort Grays,[a] erroneously referred to as the Fort Grace, is an aircraft carrier and the flagship of the Federation of Central Usea's 6th Fleet.[1]


On the English version of Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies's official website, the carrier's name was translated as "Fort Grace". Other Usean ships, such as the White Valley, are named after locations; in this case, the carrier's namesake is Fort Grays Island. Therefore, the carrier's name should be "Fort Grays".

Fans have theorized that the Fort Grays is the same aircraft carrier that Mobius 1 uses for takeoffs and landings in Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies, but this has not been confirmed.


In the wake of FCU President Robert Sinclair's announcement regarding the threat of the Ulysses 1994XF04 asteroid, all FCU military forces stationed overseas were recalled to the FCU's home territory. The Fort Grays, accompanied by the Aegis cruiser Tea Time, passed through the Payton Channel and returned to its home port of Waosun as ordered.[1]


  1. Fort Grays (フォートグレイス)[1]
