Talk:Ace Combat

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Non-Canon games:

Well considering that Northern Wings contradicts several establised facts in multiple sources (Ace Combat 5, Ace Combat 4 etc.) it should be consided non-canon. As for Ace Combat Advance well thats up for debate since it contradictes the sources in Ace Combat 3 about the Faith Park Despute. Midsummersnow (talk) 10:48, November 29, 2012 (UTC)


It was working out just fine for me. What exactly was wrong with it, SlyCooperFan1? --Koveras Alvane (talk) 06:44, August 4, 2013 (UTC)

The aces/planes/wingmen/missions/notes columns were very squished horizontally while the rows were large vertically because of it. It looked really awkward, and was hard to read on some screens. That's why I opted to change it to list format. It looks and reads a little more coherently like this. If you think it would work better as a table, would you have any suggestions? Because that old one would have required a visual revamp anyway. SlyCooperFan1 07:02, August 4, 2013 (UTC)
I am guessing you are using the Wikia skin? Because in Monobook, the tables looked pretty evenly spaced. --Koveras Alvane (talk) 07:14, August 4, 2013 (UTC)
Oh... people actually use Monobook? I think the skin looks awful, that's why I gave it no consideration. But you're right, the tables look perfect on Monobook. It's on the Wikia skin they looked awful. So... what do? SlyCooperFan1 07:20, August 4, 2013 (UTC)
Well, considering that Wikia is the default skin for anonymous readers, we have no choice but to optimize the wiki's looks for that one. Still, I think that the list is mightily unwieldy.
And yeah, some people still use Monobook, because Wikia skin is for people who care about looks and gadgets, and Monobook is for people who only care about the content. :P --Koveras Alvane (talk) 07:40, August 4, 2013 (UTC)